In December 2021, the World Health Assembly established an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (WHO CA+).
The sixth meeting of the INB and continuation of drafting group meetings will be held from 17–21 July 2023. The sixth meeting will continue with the consideration of the Bureau’s text of the WHO CA+. It is also anticipated that the INB will discuss the progress from the informal intersessional meetings of the drafting group, which have been focused on Articles 9 (Research and Development), 12 (Access and Benefit Sharing) and 13 (Supply chain and logistics) of the Bureau’s text.
The opening and closing plenary sessions of the meeting will be open to WHO Member States, Associate Members and regional economic integration organizations, as well all relevant stakeholders, and they will be publicly webcast. As decided by Member States, the drafting group will be held, with attendance limited to: WHO Member States, Associate Members, regional economic integration organizations, and the observer delegations of the Holy See and Palestine.
The plenaries of the INB6 meeting will be webcast and archived for later viewing. A procedural report will be discussed in the morning of 21 July in a plenary meeting, and subsequently posted on the governing bodies section of the WHO website.
The INB and the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) will also hold a joint plenary meeting on Friday 21 July, from 14:00–17:00, and Monday 24 July, from 9:00–12:00, to move further towards coherence and complementarity between the two instruments. This meeting will be webcast - see further down this page.